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Store up summer’s goodness, in a jar!

Have you always wanted to learn how to preserve food, but felt too intimidated? This free workshop series will get you started!

Through eBooks, recipes and live online classes, these workshops will cover super simple beginner techniques, step by step, to give you the knowledge, skills and courage you need to fill your kitchen with jars.

Food Preservation 101

Free Workshop Series

How to Make Jam – October 3rd

Quick Pickles – October 10th

Freeze It! – October 17th

Summer in Jars
Calamity Jane and Henny Hen

Meet Calamity Jane

Allow me to introduce myself. I am a mother, gardener, and educator. I live with my family in Eugene, Oregon, where our ¼ acre homestead is an abundant tangle of vegetables, fruit trees, flowers and herbs. I am a Master Gardener and Certified Permaculture Designer, but I don’t believe that these titles mean half as much as my 25 years experience of making mistakes in the garden.

I am also the homemaker of our home. I started baking my own bread when I was 14 and it sparked a lifelong love of cooking from scratch. My kitchen is a jungle of jars, with every kind of food inside. Perhaps most importantly, I spent 7 years as a full-time mama, and understand the unique challenges of trying to maintain a productive home and homestead, while also wiping up spills and breaking up fights for 12 hours a day. 

I love the beauty of a handmade life, and still get a thrill of pleasure when I bring in a basket of eggs or a bunch of freshly pulled carrots. But I value authenticity even more, and I don’t like to hide the dirt under my nails. Years ago someone jokingly dubbed me Calamity Jane, not because I’m a cowgirl but because I’m a rule-breaker. Join me as I topple the edifice of Pinterest Perfection and get right into the nitty gritty details of real life homesteading!